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Office 2013 released to manufacturers

A lot of things are afoot up at Microsoft,
and the newest seems to be that Office
2013 has received the push to Release To
Manufacturing stage. RTM means that the
product is essentially final, with the code
having received as much tweaking as it
needed and is technically ready for a
public release.

Office 2013 , just like Windows 8, is a
daring and ambitious effort from the
Redmond crew, which is a ways departure
from what we have come know the Office
Suite to be.

Office 2013 will include the entire host
of Office applications , along with cloud
services, and servers. The most notable
feature, however, is the fact that it has
been optimized for touch input, making it
easy to use even on tablets. Another nifty
feature of the new Office suite is its
integration with SkyDrive, Microsoft’s own
cloud storage solution which will allow
the user to access any documents from
anywhere on the planet, provided they
have internet access.

If you’re an MSDN or TehNet subscriber,
the final version of Office should be
available for download sometime mid-
November. For the regular mortals out
there, the final version of Office will be
hitting store shelves sometime in the first
quarter of 2013.

However, Microsoft has made a sweet
deal to those buying Office 2010 from
retailers October 19th onwards, which is
that purchasing Office after the said date
will entitle you to a free upgrade to Office
2013. Also if you’re part of the group
buying the Microsoft tablets when they
launch, you will be getting a free taste of
Office RT.